Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Social Media Fail


Rashard Mendenhall, a decent running back for the Steelers, decides to post something that is both controversial and a sensitive topic to the American public. First of all I am all for free speech, but Mendenhall was not thinking when he tweeted his comments. Mendenhall's point of view is definitely defendable, but at the time America, for the most part, was celebrating a victory against someone who has caused an enormous amount of pain to America. The fact that Mendenhall is also a renowned running back in the NFL, it wasn't smart for him to voice his opinions to openly because he has thousands of people following him. He is put on a larger stage than a normal person because of his status.  Many people lost an enormous amount of respect for Mendenhall because people could potentially view him as anti-American or something completely radical and unwarranted.  To sum it up Mendenhall was not out of line with what he tweeted, but it was something that had little thought behind it.

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