Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bill Clinton

1) Clinton had visited Taiwan many times before he was president. He was not exactly familiar with foreign policy, however he was experienced with business affairs. Overall he had more experience with Taiwan than China.

2) Barad pretty much told Clinton that without the MFN on China, many American companies would suffer greatly.

3) Human rights improvements for Taiwan and then the US would pull back from the new Taiwan policies.

4) Congress was pushing to renew the MFN status, but Clinton ordered his executives to make it appear as if Congress was trying to revoke the MFN status. The reason for this is so Clinton would have more leverage when asking for demands from China. China wanted more from MFN, but decided not to speak out because it would be a sign of disrespect.

5) The American business community was rushing to Beijing to invest in the market. Over 6700 new foreign contracts in China were American. China was and is leading the world business community because no other country attracted more attention from businesses.

6) The US imposes military sanctions on China for selling M-11 missile parts to Pakistan. This did not sit well with the business community because it hurt the companies who signed contracted with China. The business community complained and spoke out against the sanctions.

7) The US is worried about North Korea's nuclear weapons program, which caused Clinton to be less confrontational with China because China still had relations with North Korea.

8) The Clinton admonistration remained neutral, but Warren Christopher sent human rights information to the International Olympic Committee.

9) The Clinton administration changes it policy which would mean they "would be willing to talk to the Chinese at all levels of government and on a wide range of subjects."

10) I believe China would be cautious when talking to the US from now on because now they would have to talk more about their issues and it is known that China had many internal issues that should be addressed. The US would be seen as stronger because now that have shown China that they have less issues to deal with and they were the ones who opened up the talks.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I wish I was a true Asian

The film 2MM clearly shows the difference in work ethics of American, Indian, and Chinese high school students. It is clearly evident that American high school students on average do not even compare to the determination of their Indian and Chinese counterparts. The reason why is because majority of American students are not meant to be the saviors of their families but rather we are encouraged to do something we love for a career. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing something you love for a career, in fact that is something everyone should be able to do but not everyone can. The reason why Americans can do it is because majority of Americans are not expected to provide for their parents and extended family. Not only are Americans not expected to do that but they do not have the pressures of being that person in the family that will be the one who will move out of the lower class. I am well aware of the fact that not all Americans have this luxury, it would be foolish of me to think so because not everyone does, in fact a large population doesn't have this luxury. This begs the question of why students in America, that are not as priveledged as their peers, do not work as hard as those in China and India. My answer that I have come up with within a minute because I need to get this in by 12 is competition. Could be a half-a**ed response but I believe it to be true. The reason why there are so many workaholics (not abad term in my book) in China and India is because their peers are working at an amazingly high level so they have to work just as hard, if not harder, to ensure that they will be successful. Put that Indian or Chinese student in America and I am willing to bet my daily clementines for lunch that that student will not work as hard the moment they see their peers work ethics. This could also be because America's education system is utter trash and to graduate high school can be done in pajamas at home. The workload that American students have more educational purposes is much lower than India's and China's. Lastly to make sure people do not get the impression that I believe Americans are lazy slobs (even though I believe it is true for the most part) I will say this, American students are just as intelligent as any other students in te world, but they are not as geared as their counterparts towards education. I would also like to add that I consider myself a lazy slob compared to the Asian students on 2MM.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The US loves China!

The US had continued to give China resources and help for what seems to be, nothing. When Deng Xiaoping came to power the US had already created a relationship with China, so why do we continue to help them for nothing? During all this the US once again throws Taiwan like a rag doll, only to pick them up again and cuddle it for days. It seems to me like the US is constantly digging enough for all the times they royally screw up. Why continue to constantly dig your own grave? There could be many things that motivated the US. Two main factors that stick out are money and legacy. Money is a huge factor because china's market potential is easily the best in the world, however at that moment China was in terrible shape. To fix that the US helped China recover and in doing so they potentially befriended a country whose market potentially is nearly endless. Legacy plays an important role in the US's activity with China. The previous presidents wanted to connect with China. They connected to Chins through unconstitutional methods. In my opinion the fact that presidents are going through extreme measures to start or continue a relationship with China by breaking the rules reveals how egotistical they were. They could of done it for their legacies or they simply took a shot while blond folded, hoping they would strike gold with China when they read the adventures of a Italian man. All of these factors could have played a role, but one thing is for sure, the US clearly had no idea what they were doing.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Forbidden Country (terrible reference to the city)

Nixon's visit is what I would describe as very gutsy. First the fact that he had been planning this visit for years shows how much he wanted relations with China. China was essentially taboo back then because they considered themselves as a communist country. The amount of preparation Noxon's super secret circle was ridiculous. Even after Kissinger's visit in China, Nixon didn't visit china until two years later. During his message to the US, Nixon had to choose his words carefully because he did not want the public to know he really wanted to go to China. When he got to China he brought a plethora of reporters, but the Chinese distracted the reporters by sending them to the various tourist sites. Nixon then left out his good friend, the secretary of state in a meeting with Mao. In his old friend's place was Kissinger's assistant. Even after all the sketchy things Nixon had done to get to China, it was still a success. The US started relations with China and they did not give Taiwan. It is important to note that the US treated Taiwan like an ex girlfriend, but then started a new loving relationship with them again. In the beginning it looked appeared as if the US was giving too much, but they didn't really end up giving up anything. In the end China got trolled terribly. I hope you know what trolled means, if you don't ignore that last sentence.