Sunday, March 25, 2012

Red Pill or Blue Pill?

Everyone wants to take the blue pill, no one wants to take the red pill because they're scared or they simply do not want to face the truth. The United States is in an absolutely terrible position regarding their debt. No one will be happy with any plan to cut into the debt. To erase this debt people are going to pay, and pay a lot. The problem is, is that no one wants to pay. Everyone wants to take the blue pill and continue to allow the debt to increase or they believe the debt crisis will solve itself. Majority of the US's population is currently high on the amount of blue pills they are currently taking, but what would the image be if we handed out unhealthy amounts of red pills instead?
If everyone was hopped up on red pills instead they would see that social security is a complete mess. People are living longer and the baby boom generation all want to retire. The nice thing to do is to allow the old people to retire because they have paid their dues, however since we all need money for our red pills we're going to tell them to continue to work and retire later. In the process we hope that it stalls the amount of spending on social security (hopefully some perish...we're all thinking it). Now we need to raise taxes and anger the entire population. Oh no! There goes our drug money, but everyone needs to make sacrifices and this will increase the amount of revenue that the US takes in. Next we tax corporate companies and prevent them from using loop holes to avoid taxes. There is a chance they outsource, however if China lets the yuan float then they could lower the amount of outsourced labor in China, but companies could outsource to countries like Vietnam instead. Next we notice that we're spending $700 billion on defense when the next closest country is not eclipsing $200 billion. We cut spending on defense and cause many people to lose their jobs, but it is a sacrifice that needs to be made for the future. Once everything starts to balance out eventually the blue pill will become reality, but that will probably never happen. 
I was imagining the fight between Neo vs Smiths while writing this which is why this blog post is most likely choppy. 

1 comment:

  1. at least the Neos won...or did they? Choppy or not, you articulate the problem really well. Most Americans will continue to munch their ignorance pills, and remain oblivious to the problems, while our politicians blather on about nothing. Such cheerful things to contemplate. But there is a solution, as you point out, it just involves some pretty painful choices and resolute action by leaders who have no interest in being re-elected...and possibly burned in effigy!
