Thursday, September 29, 2011

iPads More Than Just a Textbook

Morristown-Beard School in New Jersey is currently experimenting with the iPad with a small group. The article can be found here
They instantly found the benefits of using the iPad. They use it for current and up-to-date information. The advantage they found is that textbooks are outdated and need to be updated regularly, whereas iPads have current information that can be applied to school. They also found that they spent as much on the iPad as they did with books per student. The downside to having the iPad is that there were twenty two broken iPads. iPads are also not an option for cash-starved schools because they are too expensive for many schools. Because iPad use in schools is in its early stages most schools like Burlington High are mainly using it as an online textbook even though it has greater potential. We are currently using it as a replacement to everyday school items such as calculators and books, but it can be so much more. Are we using it incorrectly at the moment? Maybe, but the reason why we are using it "incorrectly" is because we have yet to tap into the enormous potential the iPad has to offer.

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