Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monitoring Students for Recruiting Purposes is Inaccurate

Colleges using the TargetX CRM Tool will not get the student they are looking for. The reason why I say this is because people act differently when there's a monitor in front of them. People will say things they would not normally say on the internet because there is a monitor protecting them. Colleges will not be able to see the growth of their recruits. For example people will say immature things on Facebook or Twitter at an early age, but they could change the way they use social media and networking as they grow older and are more aware of the power and the effects of social media. The TargetX CRM Tool is a great for recruiting, but ultimately it has its flaws. A college using the tool for all of their recruiting will miss out on great students that they overlook due to a mistake on the student's part, but at the same time they could potentially have a greater chance of getting the student they want.


  1. Very true and that is why parents and teachers have to work with children when they start using tech devices on using them properly and their digital footprints.

    You are correct about the maturity factor.

  2. So when do you think the discussion about the uses of social media should start?

  3. I agree that people change when they are online. Trying to get to know someone just by viewing their Facebook account is not the best way to see who they are. I also agree that colleges can use social media to recruit students because social media does a good job of tracking your interests.
